21 Tips for Dealing with Challenging Student Behaviors in the Classroom

Be the energy you want to attract
— Anonymous

When it comes to teaching, one of the most challenging aspects is dealing with disruptive students. Maintaining a positive learning environment can be difficult when students need to follow the rules or become disruptive. However, there are strategies that teachers can use to help manage disruptive students and create a positive learning environment. 

One of the most important strategies for dealing with disruptive students is establishing clear expectations and rules. This will help students understand what is expected of them and will help create a sense of structure and order in the classroom.  It is also important to be patient and understanding when dealing with disruptive students. Taking the time to listen to and address their concerns can help create a more positive learning environment.

Top 21 Tips

  1. Establish clear rules and consequences.

  2. Offer positive reinforcement.

  3. Encourage active listening.

  4. Use positive language.

  5. Redirect misbehavior to a positive task.

  6. Provide one-on-one attention when available.

  7. Foster a sense of belonging.

  8. Set achievable goals.

  9. Use humor and creativity to defuse and redirect.

  10. Practice empathy.

  11. Implement a behavior contract or rewards system; this could be individual or whole class.

  12. Use physical activity and movement for both learning activities or breaks.

  13. Avoid power struggles.

  14. Foster a growth mindset.

  15. Provide clear and consistent instructions.

  16. Teach coping skills.

  17. Encourage self-reflection.

  18. Foster a sense of responsibility.

  19. Encourage teamwork and collaboration.

  20. Offer alternative activities by allowing student choice.

  21. Provide structure and routine.

Important teacher takeaways! 
When dealing with students who misbehave, teachers must remain calm and consistent. Establishing clear expectations and consequences for misbehavior is key. It is also important to be proactive in addressing misconduct before it escalates. The best advice is to build a genuine and caring relationship with the student and the student’s parents. Make those connections!




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