Ten Essential Tips For First Year Teachers
“The trick to having happy students is to first be happy yourself.”
Make Your School Awesome Staff
September 16, 2021
As we embark on a new school year and get settled into our routines, it is important to keep in mind that we may have new teachers on staff trying to adjust. A new school year, a new school, and a very first job can all be intimidating. Just like we go out of our way to make new students feel comfortable in a new environment, we thought it would be helpful to provide some valuable advice to our new teachers to help them ease into their new roles:
Source: Hilarioushumanitarian
#10. VOLUNTEER - As a non-tenured teacher, you want to make sure you are involved and establish yourself as a valuable asset to the school. Sign up to run a club, coach a sport, or work events. Those that get involved and help are sure to be noticed by the administration and the community.
#9. GET TO KNOW YOUR TEAM - Take the time to make connections with those in your department, especially those that teach the same grade level or subject as you. Know who the veteran teachers are; you may need to lean on them for guidance or advice during your first year.
#8. WEEKLY MEETINGS WITH YOUR MENTOR - you should be assigned a mentor; make sure you stay in close contact with this individual. Keeping a weekly meeting on your calendar will keep you both on track and guide you towards a successful first year. Feel free to keep a journal to document your progress.
#7. PUTTING IN EXTRA TIME PAYS OFF - as a new teacher, you should be arriving to work early and not running out the door as soon as the bell rings. You want to make sure your room is neat and tidy at the end of the school day, and you have your lesson plans and materials set for the start of each day. After-school hours are great to provide students with extra help, connect with colleagues, and grade papers, so you don’t have to do it at home.
#6. UNPLUG AT LEAST 1 DAY ON THE WEEKENDS - all teachers are dedicated and passionate about their students, but you do not need to do school-related work 24/7. You must set aside time for yourself where you do not grade papers or respond to emails. Instead, plan self-care, attend a yoga class, go to the gym, spend time with your family or pets.
#5. STAY ORGANIZED DIGITALLY - to keep track of all important dates that are school-related, create a Google Calendar and enter Back to School Night, half days, parent-teacher conferences, and observed holidays. Do not forget that each time you communicate with a parent, keep a log to refer back to it as needed.
#4 PUT A BEHAVIORAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN PLACE - incentives are a great way to keep your students engaged, hold them accountable, and promote positive behavior. Many excellent examples are found on the web and resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, so you do not have to start from scratch. Keep up with the trends and find the best behavioral management system to fit your grade level and content.
#3 CONNECT WITH THE EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY ON SOCIAL MEDIA - there are many wonderful social media accounts to follow that will get you connected with Rock Star Educators on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You will be able to gain new ideas and share best practices.
#2. ATTEND EXTRA-CURRICULAR EVENTS - students love when their teachers attend their events; whether it is the soccer game, band concert, or school play, you will be noticed and appreciated for showing your support.
#1. STAY POSITIVE - Regardless of how your school day goes, it is always important to stay positive. Your attitude and effort are not only contagious to your students but also your co-workers. “You don’t hire for skills, you hire for attitude. You can always teach skills.” - Simon Sinek
Important teacher takeaways!
Keep a smile on your face, there are going to be great days and challenging days. Focus on the solutions and not the problems. Gravitate towards, happy, productive, and positive teachers, after all, your tribe is your vibe!